Below is a selection of photographs showing the Mulberry Whin chalkstream with several of the pictures showing just how clear the waters really are. Do you have an image you want to add to the gallery? Please drop us an email with your pictures and we will add them to our photo wall. All of the images can be enlarged by clicking them.
- Agapetus Fly
Submitted Photos
To have your photos included below, please see our submit report/photos page.
- Peacock (Submitted by Chris McCully)
- 6lb Driffield rainbow escapee (Submitted by Chris McCully)
- 3lb. Driffield grayling. Angler Markus Muller (Submitted by Chris McCully)
- 2lb. brown on John Storey(Submitted by Chris McCully)
- 2lb brown Black Gnat(Submitted by Chris McCully)
- Agapetus Pupa